Tuesday, April 15, 2008

CeCe Might Have Kittens!

About a month ago, I noticed CeCe with some other cats. We had heard some yowling calls of male cats. CeCe's abdomen began to get fat. It got fatter and fatter. Pretty soon we were sure that CeCe is going to have kittens. Mama thinks it will be about the end of this month. I can barely wait for CeCe to have kittens. It will be so much fun to have kittens. I hope that I can keep a kitten. It will be fun.

When our cat Windy had kittens, we got to keep two of them. It was so much fun to have kittens. We gave away the rest. I named my cat Licorice. She was very black with nice short hair. Once daddy ran over her accidentally, but she survived. She hid under the table for a long time. We gave her food and water under the table, but finally she came out, and was just as good as ever. Until one day we didn't see her, and we've never seen her since. We don't know what happened to her. I hope that doesn't happen to CeCe's kittens.

There are two of Windy's kittens still alive. One is Stripes. He lives in a barn at my friends house. Muffin is an inside cat. Our neighbor's friend cares for her.

I'll make a post about CeCe's kittens when she has them.


Heidi said...

How exciting it will be when CeCe has her kittens! I hope you'll introduce them to me. Can you feel distinct shapes in her belly yet?

Shady Gardener said...

I hope your cat has kittens soon.
from frog lover.

Frog Lover said...
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Teresa said...

CeCe is so beautiful...and like fruit!! A good mommy Cat! I am so glad you have her.


Frog Lover said...

I have my own site! Today I wrote some facts about frogs. Want to visit?