Monday, May 12, 2008

I'm Going to Get a Betta Fish!

I'm going to get a betta fish! I town just put in a new Pet Co. We've been to it several times. I has the most lovely betta fish. I bet you've never seen a prettier fish.

Betta fish live in Thailand. They can live in rice patties and canals.

Betta Names

I'll just name a few bettas: half moon betta, crown tail betta or double tail betta. They all come in different colors. Each color has a name such iridescent half moon, and steel blue half moon. Half moons are my favorite betta. Crown tails are nice too. They use the same color names too, such as turquoise crown tail.

People farm bettas in Thailand and in other countries. Another name for betta is the Siamese Fighting Fish. In Siam, which is the old name for Thailand, they used to make them fight for people to watch. The males fight. If you put a mirror up to a bettas cage the male will flare up and possibly attack the mirror. If you have two males in a tank they will fight and one will die.

Fish that are ok to put with bettas

About the only fish that are ok to put with bettas are platies and mollies and slow moving tetras. Guppies aren't ok, and neither are goldfish. Goldfish are natural enemies of betta fish. They will fight to the death.

I can't wait to go to the pet store and get a betta. It will be so much fun.


Frog Lover said...

Dear Forest Zoo,
What color of Betta will you get? Will you have other fish in your tank? What kind of Betta will you get?

Will you put a picture on your post?

Shady Gardener said...

Dear Forest Zoo,
Did you get a betta? What color is it? Where do you keep it? What do they eat?

Horse Lover