Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Queen Cleopatra, The Great!

Patty Cake is our newest cake. We got her from the Humane Society Shelter in the middle of December. It was a special day when you could adopt a cat for free. A nice lady in town paid for all the adoptions that day. Our cat Hunter had been run over by a car. Read about Hunter from my sister's perspective here and Hunter's life and death here, and Hunter and the fish escapade here. He was my sister's cat. My sister was really sad. We needed to get her another cat. I already had CeCe, and my sister wanted a cat of her own once again. I wrote about CeCe on my first post on this blog.

We chose the cat because she was kind of nice. There was another cat that I liked better, that wasn't as skittish. But more people in the family wanted Patty Cake because she was soft and gentle, and needed a home.

We found out that she was first adopted for the Humane Society when she was a wee, tiny kitten, by an elderly lady. That lady kept her for a long time, but got too old to take care of her, so people brought her back to the Humane Society. She had been there for quite a while, and needed a new home.

Actually, her name at that time was P.C. or Precious Cat. But mom couldn't stand a cat being named after a computer. I liked the name P.C. Computer, but I was the only one. We thought about a name for a long time. We finally decided to give her the name Cleopatra, because she carriedherself in a queen-like way. Then we gave her the nickname Patty Cake, which goes with her first name. So really her name is still close to P.C., but we call her Patty Cake.

Patty Cake is a skittish cat. She can get scared easy and run to hide under the closest bed, and she can be cuddly too. But only two people in the house have got to cuddle her though, mama, and my sister.

CeCe likes to tease Patty Cake. She bats at her tail, and even sometimes tries to tell her what to do. If Patty Cake goes on a bed, she tries to get her to go off, by batting at her, even though Patty Cake is 7 years old and CeCe is only 7 months old. CeCe really wants to play with her, but Patty Cake is not agreeable! Patty Cake just wants to take a nap in peace. She yawns and stretches and says, "Good night."

Patty Cat is a cat.
She likes to hide and sleep.
She likes to sleep
and keep
CeCe far away from her.
She eats and sleep and meows a lot,
But now she is getting bolder
And hisses when CeCe gets near,
For she is the queen of the house.
She sits in royal majesty,
on the throne in our carpeted house.

She meows for this,
She meows for that,
She meows to be let in.
And if we don't respond quite quick,
She'll meow again and again.


Teresa said...
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Teresa said...

Sorry about the delete, Forrest. Anyhow, thanks for sharing about Patty Cake. I am glad your sister now has her own cat to love and care for again. That was sure nice of the lady to pay for all adoptions that day.
Auntie T

Heidi said...

I'm glad that Cleopatra is soft and gentle. I think she needed a kind family.

Anonymous said...

Hi Forrest,

You know I been thinking that you deserve a BIG "E" for an excellent blog. I am so impressed with your imaginative writing style and the creativity that flows from your mind. So here's a BIG "E" just for you!

See you later alligator,

Autumn Grace

Anonymous said...

You Did Awsome!! The poem at the end makes me laugh!!

Big Sis Emily Rose

P.S. patty Cake is asleep right now!!!

Anonymous said...

What a great job telling your story!

Love Auntie K