The double yolk egg is in the front |
A few days ago my brown Araucana hen, Elsie, started laying eggs. This morning when I went to the coop to let the chickens out, I found a giant light green egg. This was the 6th egg she had laid.
The brown egg is a smal-sizedl Barred Rock Egg. The middle egg is the normal sized Araucana egg. The egg on the right is the double-size, double-yolk Araucaca egg. |
I brought it in to show my mother and sister. They were amazed. My sister commented that it might be a double yolked egg.
Ready to crack. |
Mother said I could open it and see what was inside.
A double-yoke grin. |
To my great surprise and delight, I found two yolks inside one shell.
The two yolks up close. |
Later we opened the brown in the photo above to compare the yolk sizes. The yolk of the brown egg was only slightly smaller the two yolks from the giant egg.